Stop Learning and Start Failing

One thing all successful people have in common is a passion for learning. Successful living and successful achievement require insatiable curiosity and desire to be the best.

Never stop learning. There is a building near you that offers you the knowledge, experience and stories of others who have mastered many areas of life. It’s called a library and it’s free to use. Don’t like to read? This same place has many of these volumes on audio recordings.

If you’re in sales, you probably spend many hours in your car. All of that drive time can become your advanced college for career excellence. PPAI has a huge library of on-demand webinars and offers several new ones each month. Your regional association may also provide regular webinars as well.

One of the most amazing aspects of this industry is the abundance of free education. Going to a PPAI event, you’ll find free education. Going to an ASI Show? There’s more free education. Get involved with your regional association where you’ll also find the best in the industry ready, willing and able to share their experiences, their learning and their best practices with you.

Start your journey for industry certification today. It tells your colleagues, your suppliers, your customers, your banker and other service providers that you are serious, committed and one of the professionals. And keep on pushing it further until you’ve reached MAS+.

Never in history has a person had so much access to so much learning. All of the resources that you need to learn new markets, learn new skills, acquire more competitive advantages are at your finger tips and at your disposal.

Never stop learning. It’s one of the 10 secrets of success.

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